Consejo de Directores


Presidente: Chad Dickerson, Dueño, Chad Dickerson Law Office

Vicepresidente: Pastor David Bacon, New Vision Missionary Baptist Church

Secretaria: Sarah Savage, Vecina, Diseñadora de Interiores, MSKTD & Associates

Tesorero: Daniel Cruse, Gerente de Sucursal, Old National Bank 

Miembros de Consejo de Directores

Ralph Adams, Vecino
David Dalton, Vecino, Partnership Liaison - Mosaic Center for Work, Life + Learning at IU Health
Jessica Darling, Vecino, Presidente de Fountain Square Alliance, Clinical Education Leader, IUSoM
Catherine Esselman, Consultora, Cat Consulting
Peggy Frame, Directora Ejecutiva, Southeast Community Services
S. Taylor Hughes, Vecino, Vicepresidente de Politica y Estrategia, Indy Chamber
Andy Kocher, Vice President, Corporate and Community Partnerships Alumni Engagement, University Events, & Professional Edge Center - University of Indianapolis
Brenda McAtee, Vecina, Presidente de Norwood Neighborhood Association
Emily Vanest, Neighbor, Directora, The Switchboard